nutritious - vertaling naar Engels
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nutritious - vertaling naar Engels

Nourishment; Nutritious; Outline of nutrition; Nutriton; Lists of nutrition topics; List of nutrition topics; Food and Nutrition; Nutricion; Nutriment; Nutrician; Nourishing; Nourishments; Topical outline of nutrition; List of basic nutrition topics; Nutritive; Topic outline of nutrition; Nutricious; Outline of human nutrition; Nutrition Science; Nutritional; Nutritiology; Nutritional system; Nutrition system; Nourished; Nutrition (physiological process)
  • Ariège river]], France
  • A [[bonobo]] fishing for [[termite]]s with a prepared stick
  • fruit preserve]], and [[cheese]] prepared for human consumption
  • An ''[[Amblypodia anita]]'' (purple leaf blue butterfly) gathering [[nutrient]]s from [[guano]]
  • cellular metabolism]]

(adj.) = nutritivo
Ex: More and more people are aware of the benefits of a nutritious diet and are choosing foods that will help them feel and look good.
* nutritious food = alimento nutritivo
nutrivito [Adjective]


¦ adjective full of nutrients; nourishing.
nutritiously adverb
nutritiousness noun
C17: from L. nutritius 'that nourishes' + -ous.



Nutrition is the biochemical and physiological process by which an organism uses food to support its life. It provides organisms with nutrients, which can be metabolized to create energy and chemical structures. Failure to obtain sufficient nutrients causes malnutrition. Nutritional science is the study of nutrition, though it typically emphasizes human nutrition.

The type of organism determines what nutrients it needs and how it obtains them. Organisms obtain nutrients by consuming organic matter, consuming inorganic matter, absorbing light, or some combination of these. Some can produce nutrients internally by consuming basic elements, while some must consume other organisms to obtain pre-existing nutrients. All forms of life require carbon, energy, and water as well as various other molecules. Animals require complex nutrients such as carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins, obtaining them by consuming other organisms. Humans have developed agriculture and cooking to replace foraging and advance human nutrition. Plants acquire nutrients through soil and the atmosphere. Fungi absorb nutrients around them by breaking them down and absorbing them through the mycelium.

Uitspraakvoorbeelden voor nutritious
1. nutritious.
The Santa Monica Farmer's Market Cookbook _ Amelia Saltsman _ Talks at Google
2. are nutritious.
Robert Paarlberg _ Resetting The Table _Talks at Google
3. can prescribe nutritious food,
4. nutritious, real food.
Cooking Sustainable Seafood _ Rick Moonen _ Talks at Google
5. are incredibly nutritious.
Sweet Potatoes - Roasted & Made into a Pie _ Mary-Frances Heck _ Talks at Google
Voorbeelden uit tekstcorpus voor nutritious
1. There are many categories of sprouts, or nutritious germinating seeds.
2. The findings revealed a general ignorance of nutritious food.
3. "It involves lots of exercise and eating healthy, nutritious food.
4. Golden nutritious wheat in a rotting column of chaff.
5. Television and radio programs in the Philippines now advocate locally produced nutritious food, specifically vegetables.